Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, and Karl Crailsheim
A Hormone-Based Controller for Evaluation-Minimal Evolution in Decentrally Controlled Systems
Artificial Life
, 18(2): 165-198, 2012
Cited by:
Alexander O. Goushcha, Tatiana O. Hushcha, Leonid N. Christophorov, Michael Goldsby,
Self-Organization and Coherency in Biology and Medicine
, Open Journal of Biophysics 4(4):119-146, 2014
Miguel Duarte, Sancho Moura Oliveira, Anders Lyhne Christensen,
Evolution of Hybrid Robotic Controllers for Complex Tasks
, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2014
Corina Rotar,
The Endocrine Control Evolutionary Algorithm: an extensible technique for optimization
, Natural Computing, 2013