cited by
Heiko Hamann, Istvan Karsai, Thomas Schmickl
Time Delay Implies Cost on Task Switching: A Model to Investigate the Efficiency of Task Partitioning
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
, 75(7):1181-1206, July 2013
Cited by:
Yun Kang, Guy Theraulaz,
Dynamical models of task organization in social insect colonies
, 2015
Thomas Schmickl, Istvan Karsai,
How regulation based on a common stomach leads to economic optimization of honeybee foraging
, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2015
Domenico Maisto, Francesco Donnarumma and Giovanni Pezzulo,
Divide et impera: subgoaling reduces the complexity of probabilistic inference and problem solving
, J. R. Soc. Interface 12: 20141335, 2015