(Photo: Matthias Ziegler) |
Dr.-Ing. Heiko HamannProfessor for Cyber-physical Systemse-mail: heiko.hamann [at] uni-konstanz.de University of Konstanz Department of Computer and Information Science 78457 Konstanz Germany Member of the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, Konstanz Editor-in-Chief of Swarm Intelligence, published by Springer Nature (last update: 2024/12/19) |
[B4] Heiko Hamann, Sebastian von Mammen, Ingo Mauser Special Issue on Self-organised Construction Editorial, Swarm Intelligence 12(2), Springer, June 2018 |
[B2] Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl Special Issue on Modelling the Swarm in Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 18(1), Taylor & Francis, 2012 |
Vito Mengers, Mohsen Raoufi, Oliver Brock, Heiko Hamann, Pawel Romanczuk Leveraging Uncertainty in Collective Opinion Dynamics with Heterogeneity Scientific Reports, 2024 (open access) |
[J32][.pdf] Eduard Buss, Till Aust, Mostafa Wahby, Tim-Lucas Rabbel, Serge Kernbach, Heiko Hamann Stimuli Classification with Electrical Potential and Impedance of Living Plants: Comparing Discriminant Analysis and Deep Learning Methods Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2023 (open access) |
[J31][.pdf] Gabriele Valentini, Heiko Hamann, Marco Dorigo Global-to-Local Design for Self-Organized Task Allocation in Swarms Intelligent Computing, 9761694, 2022 |
[J30][.pdf] Tanja Kaiser, Heiko Hamann Innate Motivation for Robot Swarms by Minimizing Surprise: From Simple Simulations to Real-World Experiments IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 38(6):3582-3601, 2022 |
[J29][.pdf] Heiko Hamann, Andreagiovanni Reina Scalability in Computing and Robotics IEEE Transactions on Computers, 71:1453-1465, 2021 |
[J28][pdf] Thomas Schmickl, Payam Zahadat, Heiko Hamann A Simple Benchmark for Evolvability of Behavioral Complexity Applied Sciences, 11(5):1994, 2021 |
[J27][.pdf] Marcel Wever, Lorijn van Rooijen, and Heiko Hamann Multi-Oracle Coevolutionary Learning of Requirements Specifications from Examples in On-The-Fly Markets Evolutionary Computation, 28(2):165-193, 2020 |
[J26][.pdf] Mary Katherine Heinrich, Mohammad Divband Soorati, Tanja Kaiser, Mostafa Wahby, and Heiko Hamann Swarm Robotics: Robustness, Scalability, and Self-X Features in Industrial Applications it - Information Technology, 61(4), 2019 |
[J25][.pdf] Tanja Kaiser and Heiko Hamann Engineered Self-organization for Resilient Robot Self-assembly with Minimal Surprise Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 122:103293, 2019 |
[J24][.pdf] Mary Katherine Heinrich, Sebastian von Mammen, Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler, Mostafa Wahby, Payam Zahadat, Tomasz Skrzypczak, Mohammad Divband Soorati, Rafal Krela, Wojciech Kwiatkowski, Thomas Schmickl, Phil Ayres, Kasper Stoy and Heiko Hamann Constructing Living Buildings: A Review of Relevant Technologies for a Novel Application of Biohybrid Robotics Journal of the Royal Sosciety Interface 16(156):20190238, 2019 (open access) |
[J23][.pdf] Mohammad Divband Soorati, Mary Katherine Heinrich, Javad Ghofrani, Payam Zahadat and Heiko Hamann Photomorphogenesis for Robot Self-assembly: Adaptivity, Collective Decision-making, and Self-repair Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 14(5):056006, 2019 (open access) |
[J22][video] Mostafa Wahby, Mary Katherine Heinrich, Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler, Julian Petzold, Igor Kuksin, Payam Zahadat, Thomas Schmickl, Phil Ayres, Heiko Hamann Robotic Sensing and Stimuli Provision for Guided Plant Growth Journal of Visualized Experiments 149:e59835, 2019 (open access) |
[J21][.pdf] Yara Khaluf, Pieter Simoens, Heiko Hamann The Neglected Pieces of Designing Collective Decision-Making Processes frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6, 2019 (open access) |
[J20][.pdf] Mostafa Wahby, Mary Katherine Heinrich, Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler, Ewald Neufeld, Igor Kuksin, Payam Zahadat, Thomas Schmickl, Phil Ayres, Heiko Hamann Autonomously Shaping Natural Climbing Plants: A Bio-hybrid Approach Royal Society Open Science, 5:180296, 2018 (open access) |
[J19][.pdf] Heiko Hamann Opinion Dynamics with Mobile Agents: Contrarian Effects by Spatial Correlations Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5:63. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2018.00063, 2018 (open access) |
[J18][.pdf] Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler, Mostafa Wahby, Mary Katherine Heinrich, Heiko Hamann, Payam Zahadat, Phil Ayres, Thomas Schmickl Evolved Control of Natural Plants: Crossing the Reality Gap for User-defined Steering of Growth and Motion ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 12(3):1-24, ACM, 2017 (open access) |
[J17][.pdf] Yara Khaluf, Carlo Pinciroli, Gabriele Valentini, Heiko Hamann The Impact of Agent Density on Scalability in Collective Systems: Noise-Induced vs Majority-Based Bistability Swarm Intelligence, 11(2):155-179, 2017 |
[J16][.pdf .bib] Heiko Hamann, Yara Khaluf, Jean Botev, Mohammad Divband Soorati, Eliseo Ferrante, Oliver Kosak, Jean-Marc Montanier, Sanaz Mostaghim, Richard Redpath, Jonathan Timmis, Frank Veenstra, Mostafa Wahby, Ales Zamuda Hybrid Societies: Challenges and Perspectives in the Design of Collective Behavior in Self-organizing Systems Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Computational Intelligence, 3(14), 2016 (open access) |
supplement] Gabriele Valentini, Eliseo Ferrante, Heiko Hamann, Marco Dorigo Collective Decision with 100 Kilobots: Speed versus Accuracy in Binary Discrimination Problems Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 30(3):553-580, 2016 |
Gabriele Valentini, Heiko Hamann Time-Variant Feedback Processes in Collective Decision-Making Systems: Influence and Effect of Dynamic Neighborhood Sizes Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):153-176, 2015 |
Heiko Hamann Lessons from Speciation Dynamics: How to Generate Selective Pressure Towards Diversity Artificial Life, 21(4):464-480, 2015 |
Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim Analysis of Swarm Behaviors Based on an Inversion of the Fluctuation Theorem Artificial Life, 20(1):77-93, 2014 |
supplement] Heiko Hamann Towards Swarm Calculus: Urn Models of Collective Decisions and Universal Properties of Swarm Performance Swarm Intelligence, 7(2-3):145-172, 2013 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Istvan Karsai, Thomas Schmickl Time Delay Implies Cost on Task Switching: A Model to Investigate the Efficiency of Task Partitioning Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75(7):1181-1206, July 2013 |
cited by] Jürgen Stradner, Ronald Thenius, Payam Zahadat, Heiko Hamann, Karl Crailsheim, Thomas Schmickl Algorithmic Requirements for Swarm Intelligence in Differently Coupled Collective Systems Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 50:100-114, 2013 (open access) |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim A Hormone-Based Controller for Evaluation-Minimal Evolution in Decentrally Controlled Systems Artificial Life, 18(2): 165-198, 2012 |
Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim Self-Organized Pattern Formation in a Swarm System as a Transient Phenomenon of Non-Linear Dynamics Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 18(1): 39-50, 2012 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Heinz Wörn, Karl Crailsheim Analysis of Emergent Symmetry Breaking in Collective Decision Making Neural Computing & Applications, Special Issue: Swarm Intelligence and Swarm Robotics. Guest Editors: Nikolaus Correll, Zhihua Cui, Xiao-Zhi Gao, Roderich Gross, 21(2): 207-218, 2012 |
.bib] Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann, Karl Crailsheim Modelling a Hormone-Inspired Controller for Individual- and Multi-Modular Robotic Systems Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 17(3): 221-242, 2011 |
cited by] Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann, Heinz Wörn, Karl Crailsheim Two Different Approaches to a Macroscopic Model of a Bio-Inspired Robotic Swarm Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 57(9): 913-921, September 2009 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Heinz Wörn A Framework of Space-Time Continuous Models for Algorithm Design in Swarm Robotics Swarm Intelligence, Special Issue: Swarm Robotics. Guest Editors: Erol Sahin and Alan Winfield, 2(2-4): 209-239, October 2008 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Heinz Wörn Embodied Computation Parallel Processing Letters, Marius Nagy and Naya Nagy (editors), 17(3): 287-298, September 2007 |
cited by
supplement] Heiko Hamann Definition and Behavior of Langton's Ant in Three Dimensions Complex Systems, 14(3): 263-268, 2003 |
[BC2][.pdf cited by] Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann BEECLUST: A Swarm Algorithm Derived from Honeybees. Derivation of the Algorithm, Analysis by Mathematical Models and Implementation on a Robot Swarm Bio-inspired Computing and Networking, Yang Xiao (editor), pp. 95-137, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), ISBN: 9781420080322, 2011 |
Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner, Karl Crailsheim Hormone-based Control for Multi-modular Robotics Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, Evolution, Paul Levi and Serge Kernbach (editors), pp. 240-263, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 9783642116919, 2010 |
[C112][.pdf] Till Aust, Eduard Buss, Felix Mohr, Heiko Hamann Automated Phytosensing: Ozone Exposure Classification Based on Plant Electrical Signals IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Energy, Transport and Environmental Sustainability, 2025 (accepted) |
[C111] Eduard Buss, Till Aust, Oliver Hamburger, Christoph Karl Heck, Heiko Hamann PhytoNode Upgraded: Energy-Efficient Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Using Phytosensing Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), 2025 (accepted) |
[C110][.pdf] Till Aust, Eirini Balta, Argiro Vatakis, Heiko Hamann Automatic Classification of Subjective Time Perception Using Multi-modal Physiological Data of Air Traffic Controllers IEEE SMC, 2024 (accepted) |
[C109][.pdf] Swadhin Agrawal, Jitesh Jhawar, Andreagiovanni Reina, Sujit P. Baliyarasimhuni, Heiko Hamann, Liang Li Impact of Individual Defection on Collective Motion ANTS, Springer, 2024 |
[C108][extended abstract][.pdf] Mohsen Raoufi, Pawel Romanczuk, Heiko Hamann LARS: Light Augmented Reality System for Swarm ANTS, Springer, 2024 |
[C107][.pdf] Julian Kaduk, Friederike Weilbeer, Heiko Hamann Emotional Tandem Robots: How Different Robot Behaviors Affect Human Perception While Controlling a Mobile Robot IROS, 2024 |
[C106][.pdf] Julian Kaduk, Müge Cavdan, Knut Drewing, Heiko Hamann From One to Many: How Active Robot Swarm Sizes Influence Human Cognitive Processes IEEE RO-MAN, IEEE, 2024 |
[C105][.pdf] Mohamed Roshdi, Julian Petzold, Mostafa Wahby, Hussein Ebrahim, Mladen Berekovic, Heiko Hamann On the Road to Clarity: Exploring Explainable AI for World Models in a Driver Assistance System IEEE CAI, IEEE, 2024 |
[C104][.pdf] Jonas Kuckling, Robin Luckey, Viktor Avrutin, Andrew Vardy, Andreagiovanni Reina, Heiko Hamann Do We Run Large-scale Multi-robot Systems on the Edge? More Evidence for Two-phase Performance in System Size Scaling ICRA, IEEE, 2024 *IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award on Multi-Robot Systems* |
[C103][.pdf] Karthik Soma, Vivek Shankar Vardharajan, Heiko Hamann, Giovanni Beltrame Congestion and Scalability in Robot Swarms: a Study on Collective Decision Making IEEE MRS, IEEE, 2023 |
[C102][.pdf] Julian Petzold, Mostafa Wahby, Youssef Ziad, Mostafa ElSheikh, Ahmed Dawood, Mladen Berekovic, Heiko Hamann Protecting Vulnerable Road Users: Semantic Video Analysis for Accident Prediction IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2023 |
[C101][.pdf] Kai Pfister, Heiko Hamann Collective Decision-Making and Change Detection with Bayesian Robots in Dynamic Environments IROS, 2023 |
[C100][.pdf] Mohsen Raoufi, Pawel Romanczuk, Heiko Hamann Individuality in Swarm Robots with the Case-study of Kilobots: Noise, Bug, or Feature? ALIFE, MIT Press, 2023 |
[C99][extended abstract][.pdf] Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl Free Lunch in Evolutionary Embodied Computation ALIFE, MIT Press, 2023 |
[C98][extended abstract][.pdf] Tanja Kaiser, Christopher Kluth, Heiko Hamann Evolving Dynamic Collective Behaviors by Minimizing Surprise ALIFE, MIT Press, 2023 |
[C97][.pdf] Tanja Kaiser, Tristan Potten, Heiko Hamann Evolution of Collective Decision-Making Mechanisms for Collective Perception IEEE 2023 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2023 |
[C96][.pdf] Mohsen Raoufi, Pawel Romanczuk, Heiko Hamann Estimation of Continuous Environments by Robot Swarms: Correlated Networks and Decision-making IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 5486-5492, IEEE, 2023 |
[C95][.pdf] Julian Kaduk, Müge Cavdan, Knut Drewing, Argiro Vatakis, Heiko Hamann Effects of Human-Swarm Interaction on Subjective Time Perception: Swarm Size and Speed ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction , pp. 456-465, ACM, 2023 (open access) |
Honghu Xue, Rui Song, Julian Petzold, Benedikt Hein, Heiko Hamann, Elmar Rueckert End-To-End Deep Reinforcement Learning for First-Person Pedestrian Visual Navigation in Urban Environments IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), pp. 350-357, IEEE, 2022 |
[C93][.pdf] Eduard Buss, Tim-Lucas Rabbel, Viktor Horvat, Marko Krizmancic, Stjepan Bogdan, Mostafa Wahby, Heiko Hamann PhytoNodes for Environmental Monitoring: Stimulus Classification based on Natural Plant Signals in an Interactive Energy-efficient Bio-hybrid System GoodIT, ACM, 2022 (open access) *best paper award* |
[C92][.pdf] Marko Krizmancic, Tim-Lucas Rabbel, Eduard Buss, Mostafa Wahby, Heiko Hamann, Stjepan Bogdan Distributed Connectivity Control in Bio-Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks GoodIT, ACM, 2022 (open access) |
[C91][.pdf] Kai Pfister, Heiko Hamann Collective Decision-Making with Bayesian Robots in Dynamic Environments IROS, IEEE, 2022 |
[C90][.pdf] Till Aust, Mohamed S. Talamali, Marco Dorigo, Heiko Hamann, Andreagiovanni Reina The Hidden Benefits of Limited Communication and Slow Sensing in Collective Monitoring of Dynamic Environments ANTS, LNCS 13491, Springer, 2022 |
[C89][.pdf] Tanja Katharina Kaiser, Heiko Hamann Minimize Surprise MAP-Elites: A Task-Independent MAP-Elites Variant for Swarms GECCO, pp. 116-119, ACM, 2022 |
[C88][.pdf] Tanja Katharina Kaiser, Marian Johannes Begemann, Tavia Plattenteich, Lars Schilling, Georg Schildbach, Heiko Hamann ROS2SWARM - A ROS 2 Package for Swarm Robot Behavior ICRA, IEEE, 2022 |
[C87][.pdf] Julian Petzold, Mostafa Wahby, Franek Stark, Ulrich Behrje, Heiko Hamann "If you could see me through my eyes": Predicting Pedestrian Perception 8th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), 2022 |
[C86][.pdf] Jean Botev, Knut Drewing, Heiko Hamann, Yara Khaluf, Pieter Simoens, Argiro Vatakis ChronoPilot: Modulating Time Perception IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), pp. 215-218, IEEE, 2021 |
[C85][.pdf] Mohsen Raoufi, Heiko Hamann, Pawel Romanczuk Speed-vs-Accuracy Tradeoff in Collective Estimation: An Adaptive Exploration Exploitation Case International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), pp. 47-55, IEEE, 2021 |
[C84] Ngoc Thinh Nguyen, Lars Schilling, Michael Sebastian Angern, Heiko Hamann, Floris Ernst, Georg Schildbach B-spline Path Planner for Safe Navigation of Mobile Robots IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 339-345, IEEE, 2021 |
Heiko Hamann, Stjepan Bogdan, Antonio Diaz-Espejo, Laura Garcia-Carmona, Virginia Hernandez-Santana, Serge Kernbach, Andreas Kernbach, Alfredo Quijano-Lopez, Babak Salamat, Mostafa Wahby WatchPlant: Networked Bio-hybrid Systems for Pollution Monitoring of Urban Areas Proceedings of ALIFE, MIT Press, 2021 |
[C82][extended abstract][.pdf]
Mostafa Wahby, Julian Petzold, Heiko Hamann A Concept of Full Plant Morphology Modeling for Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids Proceedings of ALIFE, MIT Press, 2021 |
[C81][.pdf] Tanja Kaiser, Christine Lang, Florian Andreas Marwit, Christian Charles, Sven Dreier, Julian Petzold, Max Ferdinand Hannawald, Marian Johannes Begemann, Heiko Hamann An Innate Motivation to Tidy Your Room: Online Onboard Evolution of Manipulation Behaviors in a Robot Swarm DARS and SWARM, pp. 190-201, Springer, 2021 |
[C80] Heiko Hamann, Julian Schwarzat, Ingo Thomsen, Sven Tomforde A Self-organising System Combining Self-adaptive Traffic Control and Urban Platooning: A Concept for Autonomous Driving 7th Int. Conf. on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS), pp. 429-437, Scitepress, 2021 |
[C79][.pdf] Heiko Hamann, Till Aust, Andreagiovanni Reina Guerrilla Performance Analysis for Robot Swarms: Degrees of Collaboration and Chains of Interference Events ANTS 2020: Swarm Intelligence, pp. 134-147, Springer, 2020 |
[C78][.pdf] Tanja Kaiser, Heiko Hamann Evolution of Diverse Swarm Behaviors with Minimal Surprise ALIFE 2020: The 2020 Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 384-392, MIT Press, 2020 |
Tanja Kaiser, Heiko Hamann Diversity in Swarm Robotics with Task-independent Behavior Characterization GECCO: Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pp. 83-84, ACM, 2020 |
[C76][.pdf] Catriona Eschke, Mary Katherine Heinrich, Mostafa Wahby, Heiko Hamann Self-Organized Adaptive Paths in Multi-Robot Manufacturing: Reconfigurable and Pattern-Independent Fibre Deployment IROS, Macau, China, IEEE, 2019 |
[C75][.pdf] Mohammad Divband Soorati, Maximilian Krome, Marco Mora-Mendoza, Javad Ghofrani, Heiko Hamann Plasticity in Collective Decision-Making for Robots: Creating Global Reference Frames, Detecting Dynamic Environments, and Preventing Lock-ins IROS, Macau, China, IEEE, 2019 |
[C74][.pdf] Mostafa Wahby, Julian Petzold, Catriona Eschke, Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann Collective Change Detection: Adaptivity to Dynamic Swarm Densities and Light Conditions in Robot Swarms Alife, Newcastle, UK, MIT Press, 2019 (open access) |
[C73][.pdf] Yara Khaluf, Heiko Hamann Modulating Interaction Times in an Artificial Society of Robots Alife, Newcastle, UK, MIT Press, 2019 (open access) |
[C72][.pdf] Tanja Kaiser, Heiko Hamann Self-Organized Construction by Minimal Surprise SOCO (3rd International Workshop on Self-Organised Construction), Umea, Sweden, IEEE, 2019 |
[C71][.pdf] Michael Niess, Heiko Hamann Self-Organized Construction by Population Coding SOCO (3rd International Workshop on Self-Organised Construction), Umea, Sweden, IEEE, 2019 |
[C70][.pdf] Heiko Hamann, Carlo Pinciroli, Sebastian von Mammen A Gamification Concept for Teaching Swarm Robotics EWME (12th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education), Braunschhweig, Germany, IEEE, 2019 |
[supplement] Tanja Kaiser, Heiko Hamann Self-Assembly in Patterns with Minimal Surprise: Engineered Self-Organization and Adaptation to the Environment DARS, Boulder, CO, USA, pp. 183-195, Springer, 2019 |
[supplement] Mohammad Divband Soorati, Javad Ghofrani, Payam Zahadat, Heiko Hamann Adaptive Path Formation in Self-Assembling Robot Swarms by Tree-like Vascular Morphogenesis DARS, Boulder, CO, USA, pp. 299-311, Springer, 2019 |
[supplement] Mohammad Divband Soorati, Javad Ghofrani, Payam Zahadat, Heiko Hamann Robust and Adaptive Robot Self-Assembly Based on Vascular Morphogenesis IROS, Madrid, Spain, pp. 4282-4287, IEEE, 2018 |
supplement] Heiko Hamann The Role of Largest Connected Components in Collective Motion ANTS, Rome, Italy, pp 290-301, Springer, 2018 |
[C65][.pdf] Mostafa Wahby, Mary Katherine Heinrich, Daniel Nicolas Hofstadtler, Payam Zahadat, Sebastian Risi, Phil Ayres, Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann A Robot to Shape your Natural Plant: The Machine Learning Approach to Model and Control Bio-Hybrid Systems GECCO, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 165-172, 2018 |
[C64][.pdf] Heiko Hamann, Christine Markarian, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Mostafa Wahby Pick, Pack, & Survive: Charging Robots in a Modern Warehouse based on Online Connected Dominating Sets 9th Int. Conf. on Fun with Algorithms, La Maddalena, Italy, pp. 22:1-22:13, 2018 |
[C63][.pdf] Heiko Hamann Superlinear Scalability in Parallel Computing and Multi-Robot Systems: Shared Resources, Collaboration, and Network Topology 31st International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Braunschweig, Germany, pp. 31-42, Springer, 2018 |
[C62] Daniel Wagner, Christian Hofmann, Heiko Hamann, Sebastian von Mammen Design and Exploration of Braiding Swarms in VR Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST '17), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 13:1-13:4, ACM, 2017 |
[C61] Lorijn van Rooijen, Frederik Bäumer, Marie Christin Platenius, Michaela Geierhos, Heiko Hamann, Gregor Engels From User Demand to Software Service: Using Machine Learning to Automate the Requirements Specification Process Fourth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Requirements Engineering (AIRE'17) workshop - in conjuction with RE'17, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 379-385, IEEE 2017 |
bib] Marcel Wever, Lorijn van Rooijen, Heiko Hamann Active Coevolutionary Learning of Requirements Specifications from Examples GECCO 2017, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1327-1334, ACM, 2017 *best paper award* |
[C59][extended abstract] Richard Borkowski, Heiko Hamann Evolving robot swarm behaviors by minimizing surprise: results of simulations in 2-d on a Torus Evolving Collective Behaviors in Robotics Workshop, GECCO 2017, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1679-1680, ACM, 2017 |
[C58][.pdf] Mary Katherine Heinrich, Mostafa Wahby, Mohammad Divband Soorati, Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler, Payam Zahadat, Phil Ayres, Kasper Střy, Heiko Hamann Self-Organized Construction with Continuous Building Material: Higher Flexibility based on Braided Structures 1st International Workshop on Self-Organising Construction (SOCO), SASO 2016, Munich, Germany, pp. 154-159, IEEE, 2016 |
Sebastian von Mammen, Heiko Hamann, Michael Heider Robot Gardens: An Augmented Reality Prototype for Plant-Robot Biohybrid Systems ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST'16), Munich, Germany, pp. 139-142, ACM, 2016 |
[C56][.pdf] Lorijn van Rooijen, Heiko Hamann Requirements Specification-by-Example Using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Third International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Requirements Engineering (AIRE'16), Beijing, China, pp. 3-9, IEEE, 2016 |
[C55][.pdf] Mohammad Divband Soorati, Heiko Hamann Robot Self-Assembly as Adaptive Growth Process: Collective Selection of Seed Position and Self-Organizing Tree-Structures IROS 2016, Daejeon, South Korea, pp. 5745-5750, 2016 |
[C54][.pdf] Mostafa Wahby, Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler, Mary Katherine Heinrich, Payam Zahadat, Heiko Hamann An Evolutionary Robotics Approach to the Control of Plant Growth and Motion: Modeling Plants and Crossing the Reality Gap SASO 2016, Augsburg, Germany, IEEE, 2016 |
[C53][.pdf] Heiko Hamann, Gabriele Valentini, Marco Dorigo Population Coding: A New Design Paradigm for Embodied Distributed Systems ANTS 2016, Brussels, Belgium, LNCS 9882, pp. 173-184, Springer, 2016 |
[C52] Yara Khaluf, Heiko Hamann On the Definition of Self-organizing Systems: Relevance of Positive/Negative Feedback and Fluctuations ANTS 2016, Brussels, Belgium, LNCS 9882, p. 298, Springer, 2016 |
[C51] Gabriele Valentini, Davide Brambilla, Heiko Hamann, Marco Dorigo Collective Perception of Environmental Features in a Robot Swarm ANTS 2016, Brussels, Belgium, LNCS 9882, pp. 65-76, Springer, 2016 |
supplement] Milan Rybar, Heiko Hamann Inspiration-Triggered Search: Towards Higher Complexities by Mimicking Creative Processes GECCO 2016, Denver, CO, USA, pp. 165-172, ACM, 2016 |
[C49] Thomas Kuehne, Heiko Hamann, Svetlana Arifulina, Gregor Engels Patterns for Constructing Mutation Operators: Limiting the Search Space in a Software Engineering Application EvoStar 2016, Porto, Portugal, LNCS 9594, pp. 278-293, 2016 |
[C48][.pdf] Mostafa Wahby, Mohammad Divband Soorati, Sebastian von Mammen, Heiko Hamann Evolution of Controllers for Robot-Plant Bio-Hybdrids: A Simple Case Study Using a Model of Plant Growth and Motion Proc. of the 25th Workshop on Computational Intelligence (open access), Dortmund, Germany, pp. 67-86, 2015 |
[C47][.pdf] Mostafa Wahby, Alexander Weinhold, Heiko Hamann Revisiting BEECLUST: Aggregation of Swarm Robots with Adaptiveness to Different Light Settings 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT 2015), New York City, US, pp. 272-279, ACM, 2015 |
Heiko Hamann, Mostafa Wahby, Thomas Schmickl, Payam Zahadat, Daniel Hofstadler, Kasper Stoy, Sebastian Risi, Andres Faina, Frank Veenstra, Serge Kernbach, Igor Kuksin, Olga Kernbach, Phil Ayres, Przemyslaw Wojtaszek flora robotica - Mixed Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life IEEE ALIFE 2015, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 1102-1109, IEEE, 2015 |
[C45] Hongli Ding, Heiko Hamann Dependability in Swarm Robotics: Error Detection and Correction First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics SWARM 2015, Kyoto, Japan, 2015 (in press) |
[C44][.pdf] Daniela Kengyel, Heiko Hamann, Payam Zahadat, Gerald Radspieler, Franz Wotawa, Thomas Schmickl Potential of Heterogeneity in Collective Behaviors: A Case Study on Heterogeneous Swarms Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, PRIMA 2015, Bertinoro, Italy, pp. 201-217, 2015 |
[C43][extended abstract][.pdf] Payam Zahadat, Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl Evolving Collective Behaviors With Diverse But Predictable Sensor States 13th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2015), York, UK, p. 174, MIT Press, 2015 |
[C42][extended abstract][.pdf] Payam Zahadat, Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl Evolving Diverse Collective Behaviors Independent of Swarm Density Workshop Evolving Collective Behaviors in Robotics, GECCO 2015, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1245-1246, ACM, 2015 |
[C41][.pdf] Mohammad Divband Soorati, Heiko Hamann The Effect of Fitness Function Design on Performance in Evolutionary Robotics: The Influence of a priori Knowledge GECCO 2015, Madrid, Spain, pp. 153-160, ACM, 2015 |
cited by] Gabriele Valentini, Heiko Hamann, Marco Dorigo Efficient Decision-Making in a Self-Organizing Robot Swarm: On the Speed Versus Accuracy Trade-Off AAMAS 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1305-1314, IFAAMAS, 2015 [best paper nominee] |
[C39][video] Gabriele Valentini, Heiko Hamann, Marco Dorigo Self-Organized Collective Decisions in a Robot Swarm AAAI Video Competition 2015, Austin, TX, USA, 2015 [best student video award] |
supplement] Mostafa Wahby, Heiko Hamann On the Tradeoff between Hardware Protection and Optimization Success: A Case Study in Onboard Evolutionary Robotics for Autonomous Parallel Parking EvoStar 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, Antonio M. Mora, Giovanni Squillero (eds.), LNCS 9028, pp. 759-770, Springer, 2015 [best paper nominee (EvoRobot track)] |
[C37][extended abstract] Istvan Karsai, Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann, Allison Hilbun The common stomach: Organizing task allocation in wasp societies Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology: Education and Research, Claremont, CA, USA, 2014 |
[C36][.pdf] Heiko Hamann, Gabriele Valentini, Yara Khaluf, Marco Dorigo Derivation of a Micro-Macro Link for Collective Decision-Making Systems: Uncover Network Features Based on Drift Measurements 13th Intern. Conf. on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2014), Ljubljana, Slovenia, T. Bartz-Beielstein et al. (eds.), LNCS 8672, pp. 181-190, Springer, 2014 |
[C35][.pdf] Heiko Hamann Evolution of Collective Behaviors by Minimizing Surprise 14th Int. Conf. on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE 2014), New York, USA, Hiroki Sayama, John Rieffel, Sebastian Risi, René Doursat and Hod Lipson (eds.), pp. 344-351, MIT Press, 2014 |
[C34][.pdf] Heiko Hamann, Gabriele Valentini Swarm in a fly bottle: Feedback-based Analysis of Self-organizing Temporary Lock-ins Ninth Int. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2014), Brussels, Belgium, Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Simon Garnier, Heiko Hamann, Marco Montes de Oca, Christine Solnon, Thomas Stützle (eds.), LNCS 8667, pp. 170-181, Springer, 2014 [best paper nominee] |
Hongli Ding, Heiko Hamann Sorting in Swarm Robots Using Communication-Based Cluster Size Estimation Ninth Int. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2014), Brussels, Belgium, Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Simon Garnier, Heiko Hamann, Marco Montes de Oca, Christine Solnon, Thomas Stützle (eds.), LNCS 8667, pp. 262-269, Springer, 2014 |
[C32][extended abstract][pdf]
Heiko Hamann Evolving Prediction Machines: Collective Behaviors Based on Minimal Surprisal Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2014), Vancouver, Canada, Christian Igel (ed.), pp. 31-32, ACM, 2014 |
Yara Khaluf, Mauro Birattari, Heiko Hamann A Swarm Robotics Approach to Task Allocation Under Soft Deadlines and Negligible Switching Costs Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB 2014), Castellon, Spain, Angel P. del Pobil, Eris Chinellato, Ester Martinez-Martin, John Hallam, Enric Cervera, Antonio Morales (eds.), pp. 270-279, LNCS 8575, Springer, 2014 |
cited by]
Gabriele Valentini, Heiko Hamann, Marco Dorigo Self-Organized Collective Decision Making: The Weighted Voter Model 13th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Mutli-agent Systems (AAMAS 2014), Paris, France, Alessio Lomuscio, Paul Scerri, Ana Bazzan, Michael Huhns (eds.), pp. 45-52, ACM, 2014 |
supplement] Heiko Hamann A Reductionist Approach to Hypothesis-Catching for the Analysis of Self-Organizing Decision-Making Systems 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2013), Philadelphia, USA, pp. 227-236, IEEE, 2013 |
.bib] Heiko Hamann Speciation Dynamics: Generating Selective Pressure Towards Diversity 12th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2013), Taormina, Italy, Pietro Liň, Orazio Miglino, Giuseppe Nicosia, Stefano Nolfi and Mario Pavone (eds.), pp. 947-954, MIT Press, 2013 [nominee for best paper award (top 8)] |
.bib] Jürgen Stradner, Heiko Hamann, Christopher S. F. Schwarzer, Nico K. Michiels, Thomas Schmickl Virtual Spatiality in Agent Controllers: Encoding Compartmentalization EvoStar 2013, Vienna, Austria, Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcazar (ed.), LNCS 7835, pp. 579-588, Springer-Verlag, 2013 |
cited by
supplement] Heiko Hamann Towards Swarm Calculus: Universal Properties of Swarm Performance and Collective Decisions ANTS 2012, Brussels, Belgium, Marco Dorigo et al. (eds.), LNCS 7461, pp. 168-179, Springer-Verlag, 2012 [best paper award] |
[C25][extended abstract][.pdf
.bib] Jürgen Stradner, Heiko Hamann, Payam Zahadat, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim On-line, On-board Evolution of Reaction-Diffusion Control for Self-Adaptation Alife XIII, East Lansing, MI, USA, Christoph Adami, David M. Bryson, Charles Ofria, Robert T. Pennock (eds.), pp. 597-598, MIT Press, 2012 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner, Thomas Schmickl Towards Morphological Flexibility: Modular Robotics and Bio-inspired Control Austrian Robotics Workshop (Operational Programme Slovenia-Austria), Graz, Austria, 2012 |
.bib] Leo Cazenille, Nicolas Bredeche, Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner Impact of Neuron Models and Network Structure on Evolving Robot Neural Network Controllers 14th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2012, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 89-96, ACM, 2012 |
Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim Explaining Emergent Behavior in a Swarm System Based on an Inversion of the Fluctuation Theorem Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2011, Paris, France, Tom Lenaerts, Mario Giacobini, Hugues Bersini, Paul Bourgine, Marco Dorigo, Rene Doursat (eds.), pp. 302-309, MIT Press, ISBN: 978-0-262-29714-1 (open access), 2011 [selected as top 10 paper] |
cited by
supplement] Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim Coupled Inverted Pendulums: A Benchmark for Evolving Decentral Controllers in Modular Robotics 13th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2011, Dublin, Ireland, Natalio Krasnogor and Pier Luca Lanzi (eds.), pp. 195-202, ACM, 2011 |
cited by] Thomas Schmickl, Jürgen Stradner, Heiko Hamann, Lutz Winkler, Karl Crailsheim Major Feedbacks Supporting Artificial Evolution in Multi-Modular Robotics New Horizons in Evolutionary Robotics (Studies in Computational Intelligence Vol. 341), Stephane Doncieux, Nicolas Bredeche, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (editors), p. 195-209, Springer-Verlag, 2011 |
cited by] Jürgen Stradner, Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Karl Crailsheim Evolving a Novel Bio-Inspired Controller in Reconfigurable Robots 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL'09), Budapest, Hungary, LNCS 5777, pp. 132-139, Springer-Verlag, 2011 |
.bib] Daniela Kengyel, Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann, Ronald Thenius, Karl Crailsheim Embodiment of Honeybee's Thermotaxis in a Mobile Robot Swarm 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL'09), Budapest, Hungary, LNCS 5778, pp. 69-76, Springer-Verlag, 2011 |
.bib] Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim Evolving for Creativity: Maximizing Complexity in a Self-Organized Multi-Particle System 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL'09), Budapest, Hungary, LNCS 5777, pp. 442-449, Springer-Verlag, 2011 |
cited by
supplement] Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim Thermodynamics of Emergence: Langton's Ant Meets Boltzmann IEEE ALIFE - 2011 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, Paris, France, pp. 62-69, IEEE, 2011 |
Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Jürgen Stradner, Heiko Hamann, Karl Crailsheim Robotic Organisms: Artificial Homeostatic Hormone System and Virtual Embryogenesis as Examples for Adaptive Reaction-Diffusion Controllers Reconfigurable Modular Robotics: Challenges of Mechatronic and Bio-Chemo-Hybrid Systems (IROS 2011 Workshop), Serge Kernbach and Robert Fitch (eds.), 2011 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim Artificial Hormone Reaction Networks: Towards Higher Evolvability in Evolutionary Multi-Modular Robotics Artificial Life XII (ALife XII), Odense, Denmark, pp. 773-780, MIT Press (open access), 2010 |
cited by] Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner, Ralf Mayet, Karl Crailsheim Complex Taxis-Behaviour in a Novel Bio-Inspired Robot Controller Artificial Life XII (ALife XII), Odense, Denmark, pp. 648-655, MIT Press (open access), 2010 |
Serge Kernbach, Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner, Christopher Schwarzer, Florian Schlachter, Alan F.T. Winfield, Rene Matthias Adaptive Action Selection Mechanisms for Evolutionary Multimodular Robotics Artificial Life XII (ALife XII), Odense, Denmark, pp. 781-788, MIT Press (open access), 2010 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Bernd Meyer, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim A Model of Symmetry Breaking in Collective Decision-Making Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB'10), Paris, France, LNAI 6226, pp. 639-648, Springer-Verlag, 2010 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim A Hormone-Based Controller for Evolutionary Multi-Modular Robotics: From Single Modules to Gait Learning Proc. of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'10), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 244-251, IEEE Press, 2010 |
cited by] Serge Kernbach, Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner, Ronald Thenius, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim, A.C. van Rossum, Michele Sebag, Nicolas Bredeche, Yao Yao, Guy Baele, Yves Van de Peer, Jon Timmis, Maizura Mohktar, Andy Tyrrell, A.E. Eiben, S.P. McKibbin, Wenguo Liu, Alan F.T. Winfield On Adaptive Self-Organization in Artificial Robot Organisms The First International Conference on Adaptive and Self-adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE'09), Athens, Greece, November 15-20, IEEE Press, 2009 |
cited by] Jürgen Stradner, Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim Analysis and Implementation of an Artificial Homeostatic Hormone System: A First Case Study in Robotic Hardware IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS'09), St. Louis, MO, USA, October 11-15, IEEE Press, 2009 |
supplement] Heiko Hamann Pattern Formation as a Transient Phenomenon in the Nonlinear Dynamics of a Multi-Agent System MATHMOD 2009 - 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, February 11-13, 2009 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Heinz Wörn, Karl Crailsheim, Thomas Schmickl Spatial Macroscopic Models of a Bio-Inspired Robotic Swarm Algorithm IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS'08), Nice, France, September 22-26, pp. 1415-1420, IEEE Press, 2008 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Heinz Wörn Aggregating Robots Compute: An Adaptive Heuristic for the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem The tenth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB'08), Osaka, Japan, July 7-12, LNAI 5040, pp. 447-456, Springer-Verlag, 2008 |
.bib] Heinz Wörn, Ramon Estana, Heiko Hamann, Marc Szymanski From Micro to Nano and Swarm Robotics Advances in Climbing and Walking Robots. Proceedings of 10th International Conference (CLAWAR'07), Singapore, July 16-18, World Scientific Pub., 2007 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Heinz Wörn A Space- and Time-Continuous Model of Self-Organizing Robot Swarms for Design Support First IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO'07), Boston, USA, July 9-11, pp. 23-31, IEEE Press, 2007 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Marc Szymanski, Heinz Wörn Orientation in a Trail Network by Exploiting its Geometry for Swarm Robotics IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, Honolulu, USA, April 1-5, pp. 310-315, IEEE Press, 2007 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann, Heinz Wörn An Analytical and Spatial Model of Foraging in a Swarm of Robots Swarm Robotics - Second SAB 2006 International Workshop, Rome, Italy, LNCS 4433, pp. 43-55, Springer-Verlag, 2007 |
.bib] Heiko Hamann Space-Time Continuous Models of Swarm Robotic Systems: Supporting Global-to-Local Programming PhD Thesis, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008 |
.bib] Heiko Hamann Modeling and Investigation of Robot Swarms Diploma (Master) Thesis, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2006 |
cited by] Heiko Hamann Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Coupled Map Lattices Student research project, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2004 |